rubbish dumped on a roadsideAs the nice weather is (hopefully) approaching and more of us will be out on the water I thought it would be a good opportunity to share some information about reporting any litter/ pollution related problems we encounter while out paddling in canoes or kayaks.

It’s annoying that we bear the brunt of a minority of other people’s actions, but as regular beach and river users we are often best placed to report issues.

For pollution and debris in the water or washed up on beaches contact the Scottish Environment Protection Agency.

For problems with general litter, public facilities, fly-tipping or dog mess contact the local council responsible for the area.

A list of contact details can be found here: Scottish Community Councils

For rubbish and pollution around harbours contact the local harbour authority.

Contact British Waterways for any problems with the canals.

Pleae share this with friends to spread the word and keep our countryside clean.