Canoeing in the winter time

If you’re into the outdoors and need to know when to avoid the wind or indeed if you’re actively looking for windy conditions, then this website could be what you’re looking for. provides up to date weather conditions, but in particular has a great overview of current and forecasted wind conditions.  We also like the Norwegian-based site Given its proximity to Scotland, forecasts from the Norwegian-based site are sometimes more accurate (for Scotland) than what we get from elsewhere.

Wind tends to go hand in hand with surfing too, whether that’s on a board, windsurfer or in a kayak.  The Magic Seaweed website provides some very detailed info about when the next swell will hit our shores.Sea kayaking Lismore, west coast scotland

If you’re near a radio, the Radio Scotland weekend Activity Forecast is also worth listening for – find out more here on the Radio Scotland website pages.

Finally, as a great all round weather forecasting website you musn’t forget the good old Met office. Lots and lots of handy info for anyone that plans to head out for an adventure whether, on land or sea, or even I suppose in the air!

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