Big Paddle Clean Up 2023

The Big Paddle Clean Up 2023   A national paddle cleanup fortnight (from 27th May to 11 June) is being scheduled for the whole paddling community to get involved, actively protecting their local environment.   The plan is to get as many of the paddling community...

Well-Being In Wild Places

It is a fact that our interaction with wild places has a positive impact on our mental health and wellbeing.  Whether you’ve had a really busy week at work, or have longer term health issues, getting out in wild and natural places on a regular basis will help...

Nessie Hunter’s Need To Know

We’re unfortunate not to have spied on Nessie ourselves but many have. With our guided Loch Ness Canoe Tours starting soon, you should really make sure you know what to look for if you’re planning to join us.   VisitScotland have been good enough to pull...

International Day of Forests

Happy International Day of Forests.   As a nation, Scotland loves its forests, and we have plenty of them. We walk in them, camp in them, bike through them, forage in them, and work in them.   Forests give us so much. They purify our water, clean the air, capture...

Sustainable Outdoor Equipment Brands

As outdoorsy folk, we often spend a lot of our hard-earned cash on outdoor kit. The outdoor kit industry has grown from being just for serious adventurers to a huge fashion industry as well now. However, as we all know, the clothing and fashion industry is often...