heart 200 road map

Scotland is already home to a number of famous long-distance touring routes, whether that is on foot, in a canoe or kayak on water or by road or bike. We have it all.

We have the Great Glen Canoe Trail, West Highland Way, North Coast 500, North East 250 and the Argyll Coastal Route to name but a few.  All awesome ways to see Scotland at its best, but we have a newcomer joining the party too.

Heart 200 is a new touring route of approximately 200 miles around Perth, Stirling, The Trossachs and Highland Perthshire – the very Heart of Scotland.

What’s more, this stunning journey uniquely links Scotland’s two national parks, Loch Lomond & The Trossachs and the Cairngorms.

The Heart 200 website is going to provide all sorts of information to help you plan a holiday in the area once it is fully up and running.  Excitingly for us, it passes our Loch Tay activity base at Loch Tay Highland Lodges, which is an awesome place to stay on the route.  So, if you happen to be staying in the area, why not join one of our activity sessions, canoeing on Loch Tay, doing archery, gorge walking or having a go on a Segway – find out more and book online.

Find out more about Loch Tay activities