Highland Council runs a great project, which gives Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Young People a refurbished bike. The project is reliant on donations, and with the help of their in-house bike mechanic, old bikes are refurbished giving the young people practical mechanical skills and, importantly, a bike at the end of it. Their bike is vital for them to get to appointments, to school, and for their general health and well-being. This is a great project and one which In Your Element has been able to support this year.
In Your Element has donated 14 ex-hire mountain bikes from its Bike Hire Hub at Aviemore. The bikes are at the point in their lives when we can’t use them for hire purposes anymore. However, with a bit of expert guidance, some perseverance, and a few new parts, young people will be able to bring these bikes back to life and use them to gain a little more independence.
In Your Element thinks this is a great project and is very happy to be able to help out in this way. It’s great that the bikes can be used again in such a meaningful way.
“On behalf of Home to Highland I want to extend our sincere gratitude for your kind and generous donation of the bicycles. Your thoughtful donation will make a significant difference, providing young people with increased mobility, independence, and joy. Your support and willingness to contribute mean so much to us and the community we serve. Acts of kindness like yours inspire and remind us of the strength and unity within our community.” (Kirsty Jarvie, Transitions Coordinator).
Find out more about the project on the dedicated website – www.home2highland.wordpress.com